About DBN
Learning is the critical component of a high performance mission-driven organization. Learning involves the right leadership and culture, with a clear dedication to the continuous improvement of client outcomes. Debra founded DBN & Associates, L3C to help leaders learn with a focus on improving results. She helps clients maintain momentum, curiosity, reflection, focus and rigor. Read more about Debra DBN Approach DBN Expertise DBN Services |
Vision: Social change is defined by client outcomes, rather than well-intentioned programs and activities. Mission: DBN partners with mission-driven leaders to effectively manage toward client results. DBN guides social sector organizations toward high performance by sharing extensive expertise and nuanced tools to create a culture of learning and to continually improve. Debra is much more than a facilitator, which sets her apart from many other consultants we have hired. She produces valuable original work based on what she learned from our team combined with her own considerable experience and expertise. |
- It is not your responsibility to finish the work of perfecting the world, but you are not free to withdraw from it. (Rabbi Tarfon)
- All social change begins with a conversation. (Margaret J. Wheatley)
- Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. (Albert Einstein)
- I measure success in terms of the contributions an individual makes to her fellow human beings. (Margaret Mead)
- Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things. (Theodore Levitt)
- Learning without reflection is a waste. Reflection without learning is dangerous. (Confucius)
- Courage is simply doing whatever is needed in pursuit of the vision. (Peter M. Senge)
- When so many things divide us - race, class, ethnicity, religion, politics, and money -
results have a power to unite us. (Mark Friedman) - Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected. (William Plomer)
- When humor goes, there goes civilization. (Erma Bombeck)